Reumert Talentpris 2018
Photo: Søren Kristoffer Kløft
I 2018 modtog Gunilla Lind en Reumert Talentpris for V.O.M.P.
Juryens motivation: “I V.O.M.P. – Vanity Of Modern Panic – fik hun sine seks kvindelige dansere til at ramme tidens forfængelighed med vild humor. I et grotesk sæbebobleunivers bevægede danserne sig akavede rundt, mens deres lyserøde, silikoneagtige kroppe blev mere og mere forkvaklede. Gunilla Lind tegner til at blive en koreograf, der kan få selv botoxlæber til at smile!”
In 2018 Gunilla Lind received a Reumert talent award for V.O.M.P.
Motivation of the jury: "Applying a wild sense of humour Gunilla Lind made her six female dancers act out the vanity of contemporary society with great precision. In a grotesque soap bubble universe the dancers move around awkwardly while their pink, silicone-like bodies grow increasingly distorted.
Gunilla Lind is a choreographer who can make even Botox lips smile.”